If you’re in the 45 – 65 age range and like me, you’re always on the lookout for any changes in your body. It’s important to stay vigilant and take action if anything seems out of the ordinary. So, imagine my surprise when I found a cluster of red dots on my shoulder one morning. Of course, like any responsible person, I turned to the internet for answers.
1. Petechiae and Purpura
These are tiny red dots that appear on the skin due to damaged blood vessels or capillaries. They can be caused by stress, coughing, or certain medications. Although they are usually harmless, they can sometimes indicate underlying platelet disorders.
2. Cherry Angiomas
These are small, raised, bright red bumps that result from an overgrowth of blood vessels. Don’t worry, cherry angiomas are generally harmless and tend to be more common as we age.
3. Heat Rash
Heat rash is a simple and common condition that occurs when sweat becomes trapped in sweat ducts. It can cause itchy, red dots to appear on the skin.
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