If Your Man Does Any Of These 4 Things, Leave Him Alone, He’s Not The Right One For You
1. If he yells at you and be@t you always.
If your man starts be@ting you or have been be@ting you maybe because you offend him or you both had a little misunderstanding, it’s high time you should let go off him before he later end up be@ting you to de@th or inflict long lasting injuries on your skin.
2. He always keeps secrets from you.
This behavior is bad. As a lady, if you start noticing or have been noticing that he keeps a lot of things from you and only tells you the less important things.
There are no reasons for keeping secrets from each other when you two are in a relationship.
Maybe as a lady you start hearing things about your man from strangers, whereas he ought to have told you about it. Move on with your life because such relationship won’t last.
3. He always take you for granted.
If you’re noticing that he usually takes you for granted, as in, he doesn’t care about what you do for him, he doesn’t even reciprocate the sacrifices you have once made for him. Beware of this, flee away because he is not the right one for you.
4. He is abu$ive and always puts all the blame on you
Pay attention if your man is angry, curse and say out forms of abusive words at you. He always blames you for any of his mistakes, he doesn’t ever admit that he’s the one who did the wrong thing. As a lady, if you have told him countless times about this issue and he doesn’t seem to change, run away from him, he’s not the right one for you.
Αργυρούπολη: Εμπρηστική επίθεση τα ξημερώματα σε βενζινάδικο – Καταστράφηκε ολοσχερώς, εκκενώθηκε πολυκατοικία
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Ο υπερτυχερός της χρονιάς: Το ένα και μοναδικό ζώδιο που θα έχει την τύχη με το μέρος του, από αρχές Μαρτίου