Well, if you cook with this leaf keep it up for amazing good for your family.
Scent leaf is a wonderful leaf that many people have less or no knowledge of the amazing health benefits.
Do you know you can use scent leaf to cure many diseases and infertility problems?
Here are the health benefits of scent leaf.
1- It cures cough
Just take some leaf, wash and squeeze out the juice. Add hot water and drink or give your kid above 2 years to drink.
2- It solves indigestion problems
Digestion problem can be solved with this leaf by just making some juice out of it and drink. It also cures any form of stomach disorder.
3- It prevents heart disease
This leaf also prevents any form of heart disease and problem for those who smoke.
4- It lowers sugar level
Consumption of this leaf helps in reducing your sugar level.
5- It relieves pains
Consumption of this leaf helps in relieving pains like menstrual pains, fever, malaria, coughing, respiratory problems. To get relieved of any pain and those mentioned above drink scent Leaf tea, it will make you feel better.
6- It is helpful for anybody with stroke
Put more scent leaves in mortar pound add little water squeeze and drink once every day and see the flow of blood in dead parts.
7- It is mosquito repellent
This leaf serves as a repellent for mosquito. With this leaf in your environment or house, you rest assured of no disturbance by mosquitoes
8- It helps with infertility problems
Scent leaf will not only improve your health but will also help you become a proud mom. It boosts fertility in both male and female reproductive organs. It strengthens sperm vitality and works well to prevent infertility.
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