When I placed a pizza order while my fiancé was away, I anticipated an evening of solitude, not a revelation that would shake my world. Unbeknownst to me, this delivery was about to rescue me from a catastrophic marriage.
Living with Jake felt like being stuck in a comfortable routine. Our small apartment, with its cozy throws and mismatched cushions, was our haven—or so I thought. I’m Emily, and for the past three years, Jake and I have made a habit out of simple pleasures.
Our most common indulgence was ordering pizza during our chilled-out evenings
It had become our ritual. While Jake perused movie options, I would call our beloved local pizza joint.
Tom, our regular delivery man, recognized us instantly. His timely arrivals, always accompanied by a bright “How’s it going?” filled our small entryway. However, tonight was different; it was only me.
It had become our ritual. While Jake perused movie options, I would call our beloved local pizza joint.
Tom, our regular delivery man, recognized us instantly. His timely arrivals, always accompanied by a bright “How’s it going?” filled our small entryway. However, tonight was different; it was only me.
Young Punk Thinks He Can Get Away With Spitting In A Marine’s Face
While a group of Marines arrived to participate in an event at Rocks on the Range in Columbus, Ohio, they figured it would be a great opportunity to share their love for America.
But during the event, one Marine’s wife took out her phone and started recording because a liberal hippie, out of nowhere and seemingly unprovoked, approached the group of Marines and started calling them “m_ur***ers.”
As he continued to deride the men who put their lives on the line to defend our freedom, the stoic soldiers did not give an inch to the man’s plan to shame them into fighting in the United States miIitary.But then, in a vuIgar display of dissent, the liberal spit into the face of one of the Marines. That’s when he learned why you should never do that.
The video, below, has gone viral and Americans are angry. Check it out and see what came of this liberal hippie punk…
The Marine’s wife, who witnessed everything, was shocked to see this man approach her husband.Later the Marine posted his wife’s video with the caption, “guy walked up and spit in my face and another Marines (sic) face.” He next wrote, “Dude almost got his a*s kicked,” – and did he or what?
Because the Marines didn’t want to resort to vio_Ience, the man who got spit in his face, wrote on Facebook: “A big thanks to Columbus P.D and Ohio Highway patrol for assisting,” because they came to break it up.
Τέμπη: Επιστρέφει στην Ελλάδα ο Γεράσιμος, ο μοναδικός επιζών από το πρώτο βαγόνι
Ο υπερτυχερός της χρονιάς: Το ένα και μοναδικό ζώδιο που θα έχει την τύχη με το μέρος του, από αρχές Μαρτίου
ΕΚΤΑΚΤΟ: Βρήκε αυτό που έψαχνε η ΕΛ.ΑΣ – Τέλος στο μυστήριο για τον θάνατο του Βασίλη Καλογήρου
Έχει αλλάξει πολύ, μοιάζει μεγαλύτερη, έγινε ίδια ο Τόλης: Ολόκληρη γυναίκα η Μαρία Βοσκοπούλου, είναι αγνώριστη